Ice-Bots bring Chilly Fun on October 13th

Dalek’s long-awaited Series 1 Ice-Bots mini-figures  will make their entrance on Thursday, October 13th from Kidrobot.  Series 1 has 14 regular 3" figures including one chase figure (1:96 ratio) available in blind-boxes for $6.95 each.   These cold-loving fellows all have the same basic shape but each has different details and is not a simple colorway, which should please discriminating collectors.  For the official word on the Icebots discovery here’s an excerpt from the official Kidrobot Press Release:

"Graffiti artist, painter, toy designer, and amateur naturalist Dalek first made contact with the Ice-Bots one hot summer night when he stuck his head into his open refrigerator, attempting to cool his fevered brain. Some Ice-Bots are fun, some are mean, and some are sad, but with one thing in common: all Ice-Bots like to keep cold. At home, Ice-Bots have little microwaves that cool food down to edible temperatures and showers that emit tiny blocks of ice. Ice-Bots get from place to place by skiing and sledding, and are very fridge-proud. Maintenance of the wintry build-up of frost in their native refrigerators requires incredible discipline and expertise in the use of crampons, ropes, and ice picks. However, Ice-Bots do have an evil enemy… stay tuned."

Thanks to Kidrobot we have some very nice high-res shots of  the  regular edition Ice-Bots figures for you to enjoy 🙂  I’m looking forward to the chill on October 13th, how about you?

All Images Courtesy and Copyright by Kidrobot.

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