BULLYPROOF by miQ willmOtt

miQ willmOtt is a mad genius.  There’s no doubt left.  His customs always push the envelope of whatever object he’s transforming; be it Qee, Mad*l or in this case an innocent and unsuspecting lunch box.  miQ’s pieces are typically layered in physical detail — whether it’s additional wood cut outs, metal additions, or in this case metal spikes.   By the time he’s done, the object has become something entirely different shaped in his vision, retaining only an outline of its former identity.  The latest exhibit is his custom BULLYPROOF lunchbox for the "Hot Lunch" show at La-La Land Gallery.  For all those kids who once worried that there lunch would be snatched up by the local school yard menace, comes the ultimate protection! 

BULLYPROOF by miQ willmOtt (click for full-size)

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