One great thing about an event like SDCC is that you always discover
new things, like the Neth Creatures. They are the creations of Jay and
Anna who were super friendly at the convention. They spent some time
introducing the creatures to me, even when there were hordes of people
crowded around their booth. Due to the shape, the arms and the plastic
top, at first glance they reminded me of coffee mugs. But with a closer
look, their different personalities start to take form within their
unquie designs.
There are 9 creatures in series 1, 3 Natural, 3 Brushed and 3 Flora. The most interesting part of these toys is that the
tops all come off and are interchangeable, making the possibilities of “creatures” endless. Expect more great things from Neth Creatures.
When I saw these in the photos of the comicon I thought they looked cool but didn’t think much of them. but i have to say they have really grown on me!
They are almost more like ornaments than toys 😀
The blue guy is my favourite 🙂
I think this creatures are just adorable!!