Circus Punks will have a loaded booth this year at the San Diego Comic-Con featuring several exclusive Circus Punks (see the list below). All the artists will be on-hand at various times (schedule still to come) to sign ’em on the spot!
CP-38 Huck Gee Peek-A-Boo 75 Pieces
CP-39 Tim Biskup Dark Blue Helper 100 Pieces
CP-40 MAD Twisted Thought 75 Pieces
CP-41 GaryTaxali Scary Punk 150 Pieces
CP-42 Kozik SDCC Monkey 75 Pieces
CP-43 Touma New CP design! 150 Pieces
N/A Brian McCarty C.P. – Photo/Print
N/A Jim Koch Top secret collab. CP and ???
In addition the CP booth with have Circus Punks T-shirts and Skateboards. Plus, the booth will also feature products from Letterpressed and Gary Taxali (Original Monkey?).
Source: KR Forum Thread
Hey, thanks for the mention. SDCC is gonna rock, and the Fresno Crew will be bringing it hard!! (Did that sound lame?) 🙂
Circus Punks have some sweet dillo’s coming out this year at SDCC. Please look for my PUSS the KLOWN punk and some trick figures made by Super 7 magazine and ??? in a 3 figure set. Gonna be SICK!