Welcome to Reactor-88’s Custom Corner. For August we are highlighting long-time toy customizer Betso. He is originally from Las Vegas, but now resides in Salt Lake City, Utah. When his 9 to 5 day is over, Betso burns the midnight oil and concentrates on his paintings and custom toys. Some of you may have first been introduced to his work via the Kidrobot Dunny 2011 Series, but I’ve known Betso for a long time and it’s always a treat to see his work. He cites his influences as animals, cartoons, and graffiti- all three are lovingly meshed into his work. My favorite aspects of his customs are the character’s big, bugged out eyes and comical facial expressions. It’s easy to imagine some strange, cartoon animal world where all of them live. I would love to see some original toys from Betso- toy companies I hope you’re taking notes. In the meantime, you can keep up with Betso over on Instagram (under betsoart) or his Flickr page.
Betso Rules!