Headlock Studios Neo-Lash by Mutant Vinyl Hardcore x Unbox Industries

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Recently, Mutant Vinyl Hardcore has been celebrating iconic properties with his Neo-Lash soft vinyl editions from Unbox Industries. Next up is the fun Headlock Studios Neo-Lash soft vinyl art toy with a red + blue humorous shout-out to the influential Japanese sofubi studio. The demon’s circular t-shirt shirt logo features a cartoon image of the Headlock Studio founder and a well-deserved compliment “Headlock Studio is Numerou Uno”. As a fun touch, the cartoon portrait features the blushing, dimpled cheeks made popular by the Headlock figures created by Knuckle. The design takes on a special meaning for sofubi collectors familiar with both creators– game recognizes game.

The Headlock Studio Neo-Lash soft vinyl art toy (9.5″) will be available on Saturday (1.13) @ 7 AM PST from Unbox Studios for $150.