Baby Mansnail – Cereal Milk + Watermelon by Sad Salesman

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Sad Salesman will be at Five Points Festival in NYC (6.10 – 6.11) once again and he’s bringing some of his quirky, cute creations including two editions of his popular Baby Mansnail soft vinyl art toy. For those that grew up on sugary cereal (raises hand), there’s the Cereal Milk edition featuring a pink, blue and yellow marbled design that mimics the wonders that come from adding brightly colored marshmallow pieces to milk. Hey, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?

In addition to Cereal Milk, Sad Salesman will also be dropping the Watermelon edition which features a pink body with a shell in an unusual shade of green. Also, can you believe that promo image? AI image generation is getting scary good.

The Cereal Milk and Watermelon Baby Mansail figures will debut at Five Points Festival –Cereal Milk at the Global Figure Showcase booth and presumably Sad Salesman’s booth for Watermelon. Both figures will also be available from Sad Salesman’s website on 6.12.