Pom & Me by Takashi Murakami x Instinctoy x Mighty Jaxx

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Back at ComplexCon 2019, Takashi Murakami showed a revealing prototype of a two-figure set featuring dissected/see-through versions of himself in shorts and Pom, his cute dog. The eye-catching set featured captivating, detailed sculpts especially in terms of the inner skull completely with molded eyeball. We haven’t seen anything more about this project until today.

Instinctoy just revealed the (final?) prototype (extremely similar to the one shown in 2019 — see photos in the gallery above) and announced that it would be on display at their Thailand Toy Expo 2023 booth (4.6 – 4.9). The figure is ‘directed’ by Instinctoy and produced by Mighty Jaxx. So if you’re going to TTE, be sure to check it out in person. If not, it’s time to sit tight and wait for more news. It’s a safe bet that many collectors have this at the top of their ‘want’ lists.