Fashion Accident ‘Def Notez’ SuperJanky by Superplastic

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Superplastic’s Janky is living up to the Fashion Accident label with the new Def Notez edition of the headphone-phone wearing, ‘feelings’ paddle wielding SuperJanky variant. Def Notez features a pistachio green, brown and pink design that’s quite the ‘eyeful’. With five rainbow-pupil eyes on the front and a large one on the rear, we can’t help but feeling ‘watched’. And yes, this one is GID.

‘Janky was first’ seems like a lighthearted reference to the rather familiar eye treatment. Call it an homage. Minor gripes aside, the lighthearted Fashion Accident design appeals to our inner toy nerd with the retro/modern headphones.

The Fashion Accident ‘Def Notez’ SuperJanky vinyl art toy (8″) is available from Superplastic for $110.