As a creative St. Patrick’s Day drop, ToyQube is releasing GID versions of its 6″ Astro Boy Boxer and Astro Boy DJ vinyl art toys. First seen as 3″ minis in the Astro Boy Mini Set, each of the new 6″ GID versions celebrate different aspects of Osamu Tezuka’s iconic character with GID + black designs.
With a bright green glow, these new figures are a fun twist on St. Paddy’s green. While the 6″ Boxer has had three previous releases (Blue/Red, OG and Mono), this is the first 6″ version of the Astro Boy DJ.
The Astro Boy GID Boxer and Astro Boy GID DJ vinyl art toys (6″) will be available on St. Patrick’s Day (3.17) from ToyQube. While pricing has not been announced, the previously released Astro Boy Boxer figures retailed for $65.