After the success of his take on the Red Light, Green Light robot from the Korean drama phenomenon, Emoshun brings his micro-run #001 custom based on the Ah Po figure from Kaiju One’s twisted The Kinky Darksiders line. The transformation from the original pervert character to the lovable old man contestant is well executed. The overall appearance and the iconic track suit are quite convincing. And…in a strange, happy coincidence, the stain concept carries over from Ah Po to #001. Meant to be.
An edition of just three, the Calimari Game – #001 custom soft vinyl art toy is available via lottery for $200. To enter the lottery send an email to with a subject of ‘Kaiju One – The Calamari Game – #001’ and be sure to include 1) Instagram ID, 2) Full name and shipping address, 3) phone number. The deadline to enter is Saturday (10.30) at 8:59 AM PDT.