Brooklyn-based myplasticheart is set to become Dumpster Fire central with the opening of the Dumpster Friends Forever custom show presented by 100% Soft and curated by Grumpy Bert as well as the release of the striking Red Skull Trash Dumpster Fire GID art toy. The custom show will feature customs from 30+ artists including Bwana Spoons, ChrisRWK, DrilOne, Elliot Cowan, EPSW, Gabriel Dishaw, goatbunny, Grumble Toy, headexplodie, Horrible Adorables, Jason Forbes, Jay Hollopeter, JCorp, Jeremiah Ketner, Jonathan Lopes, KaijuSteven
Kevin Chan, Klav, Mark Wang, Martin Gee, Nellie Le, Nite Owl, Playful Gorilla, Prime, Rampage Toys, Sad Salesman, ShinYeon Moon, Taili Wu,
Thad Wilkes, TMO, ZROPRO.
In addition to all customs, myplasticheart will release the new Red Skull Trash Dumpster Fire GID art toy ($35) from 100% Soft. This special edition features a light blue translucent dumpster, red flame and a giant Red Skull (who threw THAT away?). And yes, the skull and flame glow a radiant red. Any remaining stock will be available on Saturday (10.23) from myplasticheart.
The special Dumpster Fire goodness continues with two elusive, signed Golden Trash Dumpster Fire toys available via raffle. And.. speaking of raffles, there will be another for a chance to win one of 25 hush hush secret Dumpster exclusives with the drawing set for the end of the show on November 19th.
Dumpster Friends Forever
Opening: Friday, October 22nd, 2021 (6-9 PM)
myplasticheart nyc
40 Greenpoint Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11222