Scott Tolleson continues his long line of culinary creatures with the new Awful Kartoffel sofubi vinyl art toy co-created and produced by Yaniv Brick’s Lowbrowee Toys brand. The grumpy potato (German: kartoffel) and his bitter companion, Sour Kraut, are in such a dour mood as they plot ways to avoid becoming part of the menu for Germany’s Oktoberfest holiday.
Debuting in the Moldy Kartoffel edition featuring a solid dark blue/green shade, the toy design features fun flair throughout include the alpine style hat with feather and Tolleson’s signature argyle pattern on the back of Sour Kraut’s jar. Plus, Sour Kraut just might steal the show with his dual role. In addition to starring as a 1.5″ finger puppet figure the wee one also makes an appearance as an alternate hand for his potato buddy. Neat. In terms of lineage, Awful Kartoffel seems to follow most closely from Tolleson’s Deadbeet figures considering both are underground veggies.
The Awful Kartoffel made-in-Japan sofubi art toy (5″) drops as a preorder this Friday (4.30) at 10 AM PDT from Scott Tolleson’s site for $60. The grumpy Germanic duo are slated to ship in early May.
‘Awful Kartoffel (and Sour Kraut)’
In the warm days of mid- to late summer
Kartoffel is always a bummer.
In that season he’s typically lazy,
but this time it drove Kraut extra krazy.
“Oktober is already near!
We’ll be stuck among pretzels and beer!
It’s our last chance this year to have fun.
Let us go to good ol’ Schlitterbahn!”
This is not a whim, don’t get me wrong,
I’ve been wanting to go all year long.
I have already called us an Über.
The park’s perfect for you – you’re a tuber!”
But Kartoffel won’t bother to move.
Salt and gravy have stolen his groove.
Not excited for tube chutes and thrill,
he’s all eyes to watch YouTube and chill.
When to Kraut’s mind came strudels and wieners
at those long-ass Oktoberfest dinners,
with the drunk-singing under the tent,
she could no longer sit and ferment.
As her patience was finally lost
she resorted to what he hates most:
“So you don’t want to play in the sun?
Oh, perhaps you prefer my spud gun!””
Oh no, Kraut! Stop the poking! That tickles!
Can’t you go with your other friend – Pickles?!”
And with laughter that brought him to tears
he confessed all his waterslide fears.
“Ah! The rides in the park make you scared!
Don’t you worry, my friend, we are paired.
At the bottom or top of each slide,
it will be us together, two sides!”