Illustrator Kerby Rosanes has collaborated with Mighty Jaxx on his Global Warning polystone art toy sculpture. The dramatic piece features a polar bear peering over the edge of his small patch of ice. The blue translucent sides of the sculpture reveal a skull face in the submerged ice. The submerged effect is achieved through the use of a double-pour process, casting the water around the skull glacier.
From the clever title to the striking image, Rosanes’ sculpture is a reaction to the climate change crisis that threatens polar bears, wildlife and the planet. The environmentally conscious piece is a continuation of Rosanes’ ink + pen drawings of wildlife and the natural world.
The Global Warning polystone art toy sculpture (8″) will be available for pre-order for a 24 hour-timed release on Saturday (1.2) at 6 AM PST from Mighty Jaxx for $249 (shipping included). The sculpture includes an exclusive signed poster.