The powerful ‘Obsolescent‘ custom by Doktor A is his response to a seemingly unending stream of incidents in which heavily-militarized police forces abuse people of color. Conceptualized as a historical relic of sorts, Obsolescent features a rusted-out police robot, long since deactivated judging by the numerous weeds growing in and around it.
As we’ve come to expect from Doktor A, the hopeful, heartfelt concept is realized in exacting, realistic detail from the mechanical bits and bolts to the rust effects and the armaments which mirror much of the same military gear deployed by police against civilians. Made from a mix of vinyl toy parts, aluminum, leather and found objects, the handmade, unique figure stands 10.5″ tall (with removable base). The truncheon weapon and riot shield are magnetically attached and can be removed.
More than a striking art piece, Obsolescent is a call to action, namely to make militarized police a thing of the past, much as the depicted police robot. To that end, Doktor A is currently auctioning this 1 of 1 unique art figure on his Instagram through Sunday (8.30) at 1 PM PDT. Comment on the latest post in his feed to bid. One hundred percent of the winning bid will be donated to the Campaign Zero, The Anti Police-Terror Project and Defending Rights & Dissent organizations.