Honey Butt the Obese Bee by Ron English

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Ron English completes his Last Fat Breakfast with the brand-new Honey Butt the Obese Bee vinyl art toy, the last portly pitchman in his Cereal Killers series. Blessed with a clever name, but cursed with an insatiable desire for his own sugary, carb and calorie heavy cereal, Honey Butt just might be grounded without some serious cardio.

The rotund bee might be one of our favorite Cereal Killers so far. The design balances the chunky with the charm. Also, maybe it’s just us, but there’s something about toys with wings — maybe it’s the fact that they are rarely seen. It’s also a fun way to extend the dimensionality of a design.

As with all of the Cereal Killers, the satirical box is almost as much fun as the toy. Honey Butt’s parody packaging showcases this heartfelt gem: “The Human Heart Beats Itself To Death”. The mock slogan is a jab at the cereal’s claim to be heart healthy.

The Honey Butt the Obese Bee vinyl art toy (8″) will be flying (errr walking…) into your favorite toy boutique any day now for $65 each.