Vanilla Sky Jake by Mekin

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Thailand-based Mekin Studios has opened pre-orders for the new Vanilla Sky Jake resin art toy. The new edition of Jake features an appealing laidback sunset gradient design. Mekin’s signature figure has a subtle surreal edge with a stylized head that blurs the lines between hair and eyes as well as angular, exaggerated shoulders. Vanilla Sky seems to capture Jake’s dreamlike quality.

The Vanilla Sky Jake art toy (7” w/cloud base, magnetic articulation) is available now for pre-order for $55 from Mekin Studios via their Facebook and Instagram pages. To order comment on the pre-order post with a ‘1’ to request one figure. Assuming there’s remaining stock, Mekin will respond with payment instructions. Thirty pieces are avabile from FB and ten from IG. Based on the current order count, FB seems the best bet.