The Sosim World by Jibi

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The upcoming The Sosim World resin art toys by Korean artist Jibi have a charming everyday quality with just a touch of earthly wonder. The inviting series features three main characters: a guy, a girl and a kid in a frog jacket/suit. There are also apparently two variants: a cloud mushroom guy and a Lily of the Valley flower girl.

The appealing, unassuming designs combine pared down sculpts and almost emotionless expressions. Their simplified forms seem to shrug through their days, arms at the side, hands in their pockets. While casual, the Sosim’s clothes start to reveal their characters and personalities ever so slightly. While the fashion is fairly straightforward, Jibi has clearly enjoyed designing the figure’s apparel, especially their shoes.

Look for The Sosim World’s debut at this year’s Beijing Toy Show in the fall.