Mecha Noxious .5 Lottery by Chokehazrd Toys

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Chokehazrd Toys has opened up the lottery for his new Mecha Noxious .5 sofubi toy. The new figure is a mechanized version of the popular Noxious line featuring sturdy riveted construction and various armaments including four chest-mounted cannons and a rotary blade. Befitting the concept, Mecha Noixous .5 features a blue/gray steel color scheme with red cyborg surveillance camera eye. The mech beast has plenty of bite to back up the bark with 10 points of articulation.

An edition of thirty, the 8.67″ figure is available via email lottery for $345. To enter, drop an email to and include your IG Name, Address, Postal Code, Phone Number and Paypal email address.  Fifteen figures will be available via this  lottery which closes at 11:00 PM PDT on Monday (3.6). Winners will be notified via email with payment instructions. The remaining fifteen pieces were released earlier today as part of Creature Bazaar’s online release for ticket holders as a substitute for the originally scheduled drop at the event.