UK-artist RYCA (Ryan Callanan) has released his brand-new Space Cadet vinyl art toy brought to life in conjunction with NeMA Studios. The 10″ production figure features a smiley-face cadet ready for the harsh realities of the cosmos thanks to a nifty, retro space suit.
While ‘space’ is awfully crowded in the art toy universe these days, the Space Cadets definitely stand out on their own thanks in part to the light-hearted, sassy take. The figure continues the artist’s practice of incorporating universal symbols such as the smiley face and heart as a way of playfully humanizing otherwise extraordinary contexts.
While the first batch of the OG Silver Suit and the limited GID sold out quickly, the Space Cadet 4-pack featuring the OG Silver Suit, Dirty GID, GID and DIY (set exclusive) is available for £500 ($621) from RYCA’s web store. The second batch of the OG Silver Suit is expected to launch in a few months.