Due to the ongoing health crisis, Dolly Oblong wasn’t able to make it out to Toycon UK in London this past weekend. The good news is that she will be releasing her many new resin art toys via an online lottery shortly. She’s been doing a lottery preview over on her Instagram and so far she’s revealed five fun releases: Flounder Fishy, Honey Bunny Bubbles, Coffee McDolly (complete with branded coffee cup and barista apron), Green Clockwork Billies (with transparent green brains and teeny tiny bowler hats) and Jimmie (with his hand-puppet Gobo).
For the latest info on the lottery, be sure to subscribe to the artist’s Toycon UK mailing list. Interestingly, the sign-up asks if you purchased a ticket for the event. Dolly Oblong has said that all are eligible for the lottery. Perhaps Toycon UK attendees will receive additional consideration, which makes sense since the toys were set for release at the show.