Charlie the Angry Elephant Tenacious Toys Blue Exclusive by AngelOnce x UVD Toys

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The Charlie the Angry Elephant vinyl art toy from AngelOnce x UVD Toys returns with a new Tenacious Toys Exclusive Blue Edition. Seen on the artist’s murals and paintings over the years, Charlie turns in his classic pink for blue in honor of Tenacious’ signature color.  Donning a slightly desaturated, gritty blue—rather than Tenacious Toys’ royal blue—Charlie’s new hue complements his graffiti roots, echoed in the gray spray splotches on the figure.

Limited to 50 pieces, the Tenacious Toys Exclusive Blue Charlie the Angry Elephant art toy will be available on Friday (1.17) at 9 AM PST from the store’s web shop for $50 each.