The wondrous, worldwide art toy convention schedule never seems to slow down or disappoint. Up next is Beijing Toy Show which will be held on August 16 through the 18th (Friday – Sunday) this year. One of the premier art toy shows, BTS is organized by China’s Pop Mart which also puts on Shanghai Toy Show in the Spring (April). One notable change for BTS 2019 is a new venue, the China International Exhibition Center, which is conveniently located near the Beijing Capital International Airport.
This year’s flier features the new Robo P toy from HK artist Pucky—who also graced the STS 2019 flier. Robo P will debut at BTS and will come in four versions: Red, Teal, Black (chase) and the Silver (flier).
Beijing Toy Show
August 16th – 18th, 2019
China International Exhibition Center
Beijing, China