Surprise. Coarse continues its stealthy ways with the sudden release of Strangers — Ignited without any pre-release hype or fanfare. The Ignited version of the stylishly enigmatic Ethos series piece features a GID Void sitting atop a interwoven, jumbled mass of bodies—some young, some old, strangers separated by the vagaries of time and circumstance. For this Ignited release, only the Void receives the GID treatment—the ball of people below features a paint application similar to the Paranoia edition, albeit with different colored trunks.
Limited to 199 pieces, Strangers — Ignited is available for $199.99 (plus s/h) from the Coarse Shop and will ship out within 1-2 weeks. With the previous release of the 3rd Cells edition and now the 3rdd Strangers edition, Coarse has marked a path for the announcement of the 3rd Ethos figure due later this year.