If there was still any doubt, Super7 is set to prove once and for all that they are the masters of the retro figure game with their diabolical Masters of the Universe lineup for SDCC. As with their ReAction figures, these start with the fun premise of “What if?”
As in what if He-Man figures were released in the 1970s? S7’s Answer: the Masters of the Universe Stage 01 Prototype Action Figure Collection featuring four 3 3/4” figures – He-Man w/Power Sword, Skeletor w/Havoc Staff, Mer-man w/sword and Beastman w/whip. These will only be available exclusively at the Skeletor’s Lair popup for $60 and will be limited to one set per person.
Next, what if somehow MOTU crossed over with the insanely infectious M.U.S.C.L.E. keshi figures from the 80’s ? Why you’d get M.O.T.U.S.C.L.E. of course! To start things off S7 has created twelve rubber warriors – six heroic and six evil. There are four sets of blister-carded 3 packs available for $6 each available in a regular pink edition. The pink edition will be available at the s7 booth [#4945] and Skeletor’s Lair. There are also all-black editions of two of the packs available only at the popup shop. And… Mattel will be “handing out” Purple edition Skeletor keshi figs as well.
Remember to drop by the s7 booth [#4945] or the Mattel booth [#3029] to pick up your free Skeletoken for admission into Skeletor’s Lair.