If you love plush food, Kidrobot has plenty of new delectable Yummy World plushies waiting for you. The ‘bot recently stocked their shelves with a grocery cart full of new designs in XL (Watermelon ($49.99) and Cheeseburger ($74.99), Large (Peppermint, Pink Lemonade, Taco, Macaroon, Peas in a Pod, and Marshmallow–$29 each) and Small 4” designs including Cherries, Chili Pepper, Cotton Candy, Kiwi, and Latte. The 4” ones ($5.99) are adorable and would be perfect for a backpack or bag. Since they are kinda overshadowed by their bigger pals in the official pic above, we thought we’d also share myplasticheart’s sweet photo of the lil’ ones.