Carson Catlin is making the trip to DesignerCon, which will be his only ‘con appearance this year. He’s got quite a few things in the works for the show, so consider this a first look.
He’ll be releasing the ‘Blind Forty’, a blind series of 40 reticulated munnys in assorted colors + styles. To add to the fun, there will be threes special chase figures: the gold and the silver will entitle you to a custom 4” in a style of your choice, while the Mess-up will entitle you to a custom 7” in the style of your choosing. The Blind Forty will be sold in blind fashion for $40 each at Carson’s booth [#301].
Carson has also created three custom reticulated versions of Luke Chueh’s Target in Black & Gold, Red & White and White & Black. They will be available for $350 from the Munky King booth [#100].