Buff Monster – Melty Misfits 2 Online Release (10.3)


Buff Monster officially launched his new Melty Misfits 2 sticker trading cards nearly two weeks ago at P!Q in NYC and until now the cards have been available exclusively through that store.  That all changes on Friday (10.3) with the general online release of the new card series directly from Buffmonster.com at 7 AM PDT.

Buff Monster has his online store stocked for the big release with Melty Misfits 2 product including individual packs (7 cards, $5), display boxes, uncut sheets from both s2 and s1, new Melty Misfits Binders in S2 blue as well as new Tees with blue ink in honor of the new cards.   The card series features 41 new characters and a host of randomly inserted special cards including original sketch cards, signed cards, foil cards, lenticulars, variants and errors, and a golden ticket redeemable for an OG Melty Misfits painting. The display boxes include a full set, 2 signed cards, 1 special gold card, several foil cards, variants and errors, as well as a 4-card uncut sheet and an “Available Here” poster.  Happy shopping!