T9G – Absolution


Right before the New Year, T9G released his latest wildly crazy monster sofubi – Absolution (11.8”).  Cast in blue for his debut, Absolution is part hermit crab and part mutated Rangeas (note the three eyes, the two additional  eye stalks and those crazy sideways pointing ears). This one is a feast for the eyes with the organic textures on the head contrasting with the hard, grooved lines on the torso.  Plus, he comes with a little slug buddy.    Interrestingly, on T9G’s site he also has pics of the figure (minus the silver spray) with a different “shell” sculpt – perhaps a variant or a last-minute change…

T9G has created plenty of sweet toys over the years, but this one ranks right up towards the top. While the toy’s awesomeness is certain, the name is not… On his site he lists both Absolton, and Absoluton, so I’m going with Absolution…  Absolution will be available  from Toy Art Gallery (USA), Paradise Toy Land (Taiwan), and in the Netherlands from Mintyfresh.

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