Kyle Kirwan – Mudcat Resins at NYCC


Kyle Kirwan will release the first three of his Mudcat series resins at NYCC (10.10 – 10.13).  So far he’s only released pics of Edmund (3” skull dude) and Duane (3” four-armed creature). He’s currently working on the larger 6” Gopoo. While we don’t have a storyline for the series, it seems to feature kooky, whimsically creepy, perhaps misunderstood characters.

Limited to ten hand-made pieces each, the figures will debut at NYCC in the ‘Ivory’ edition for $25 each.     Since he doesn’t have a booth, Kirwan will be doing the drop backpack style.  To find him be sure to check his Instagram and Twitter during the ‘con. Looking beyond NYCC, the silhouette series lineup drawing (after the jump) shows a total of ten Mudcat toys. 

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