Shawn Smith’s Resketch – Eco Friendly, Creativity Inspiring Sketchbooks


Shawn Smith (of Shawnimals Fame), has just launched a Kickstarter to campaign to fund Resketch, an innovative sketch book.  Resketch stands apart from regular, standard-issue sketchbooks by encouraging creativity through spontaneity in an eco friendly manner.  Each new page offers a  potential surprise, a discovery.

The Resketch concept  starts with the inclusion of numerous paper types – white copy paper, colored paper,  thick, textured gray paper, sticker paper, as well as sheets with funky patterns or a piece of a map and more, randomly ordered throughout the book.  Keeping with the random order concept, Resketch books also feature specially printed ‘Creative Prompts’ – pages which give you a little start to inspire you to draw something different than you might otherwise have considered. Each book will have about 10 Creative Prompt pages waiting to be discovered and used to spark ideas.    To top it-off, each 7 x 9” coil bound Resketch book (85-100 pages) is eco-friendly.  The paper is reused or stock that would otherwise go wasted, and the Eco-coil binding is 100% recycled,  post-consumer waste.

The initial goal of the project is to raise $16,950 in order to produce a run of 1000 Resketch books including 700 regular editions ($25 backer level)  and 300 special editions ($50 backer level) featuring silk-screened covers from ten talented artists – Tara McPherson, Scott C., Jon Burgerman, Camilla d’Errico, Jay Ryan, Matthew Hoffman, Laura Berger, blUtt, Revise CMW and Shawn Smith himself.  Intrigued?  Head on over to the Resketch Kickstarter page for all the info and reward levels.
