Outland Designertoys in the Netherlands will celebrate their 8th Anniversary (congrats!) with the June 16th release and signing of their exclusive Shadow Death Serpent (80 pcs) created by Jesse Hernandez and produced by Kuso Vinyl. As you can see in these factory shots, the black + silver treatment adds an extra does of wicked to Jesse’s newest figure. If you’re in Amsterdam, be sure to block out June 16th so you can meet Jesse in person and pick up one of these bad boys. Also, we’ll keep you updated on online release info.
So while we’ve seen a few sweet pictures of the OG Death Serpent, the factory shots after the jump really give you an overall feel for the full figure rather than just it’s menacing front. This is a figure that needs be viewed from all angles in order to appreciate its considerable sculptural detail. We’re definitely looking forward to seeing one of these in person.