Help Make Kevin Gosselin’s Dead Kozik Bust a Reality



Kevin Gosselin’s Dead Kozik is about to go big time with the help of collectors looking for the perfect addition to their Kozik Bust collections.  What began from an inspired idea for his Kozik tribute show submission and was spurred on by Frank’s enthusiasm,  is now lined up to be a full-fledged 13” vinyl bust.  The only hitch is raising the money to fund the production run.  And that’s where you come in via Kickstarter

Kevin is asking for a total of 17k to produce a run of ten colorways of Dead Kozik which is patterned after Frank’s Dead Che.  Kevin’s got his original sculpt and done all the legwork to make this as smooth a process as possible.   After talking to Frank and Dov at DKE Toys, Kevin has arranged to employ the same factory used to produce Frank’s previous bust projects and … Frank has agreed to create the box art. 

There are plenty of rewards including pre-orders for two Kickstarter exclusive editions (40 pcs each) – Red and GID for $200 each or an awesome combo 2-pack for $300.  Dead Kozik’s awesomeness comes not only from the wicked design/sculpt but also from its inspired, humble beginnings.  This piece has a great back-story. Check out the Dead Kozik Vinyl bust Kickstarter Campaign for more info and insightful project video.