The Tosco Alpha Series is a new line of platform figures designed by Yahid Rodriguez. They’ve asked a number of artists to go at it with their new DIY figure and explore every angle, surface, nook and cranny that the Tosco figure has to offer. This figure stands 9” tall and features articulation in the shoulders, elbows, and the head. Do you want to see this toy made? Well that is where they need your help! They’ve created a Kickstarter page in helps to fundraise this project. With the money raised, they plan on producing 9 designs limited to 300 pieces each, as well as a run of 300 DIY figures. Some of the perks available are a DIY Tosco for $25, Yahid Rodriguez’s Alpha Tosco for $50, Mimic’s Melvin Tosco for $50, Bytedust’s Run Tosco for $50, and Sket-One’s Half Pint Tosco for $50. The 5 other designs are soon to be released. They are in hopes of reaching a goal of $40,000 within the next 43 Days, so feel free to take a gander (HERE) and back them up.