Dragatomi Presents: Year Of The Dragon (02.11)


It is now the Year of the Dragon and to celebrate, Dragatomi has put together a group show, which follows that theme. This show will display a ton of talent from all around, with artists that include: Jared Konopitski, Carson Catlin, Daniel Fleres, Gatchabert, KingQuan, Jeremiah Ketner, Chris Ryniak, Spanky Stokes, Jay222, DrilOne, Leecifer, Jackie Gallagher, Helena Garcia, Betso, Chauskoskis, LilJapan, Podgy Panda, Skinner, Philip Lumbang, Ritzy Periwinkle, J*RYU and Valleydweller. The opening reception of ‘Year Of The Dragon’ will take place on Saturday, February 11th from 7-11PM. Take a look at some of the pieces for the show after the jump!

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