Super7 Releases: A Little Bit Pink GID Mummy Boy & Yuletide Honoo (12.16)


Releasing this Friday, December 16th at Noon PST via Super7, will be the all new Mummy Boy and Honoo. The “A Little Bit Pink” GID Mummy Boy by Brian Flynn is cast in a Glow in the Dark vinyl with a pink sprays. He will be available and ready for your collection for $50 each. Leecifer’s Honoo figure is back, this time in a green vinyl that will be available in a blind bagged format. The Undecorated Yuletide Honoo will feature silver, red, green and brown sprays. The Decorated version will feature silver, green, yellow, and brown sprays and is filled with tinsel. Pick him up for $35 each.

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