Dynomight NYC: Platform Figure [Z0MZ]


Dynomight NYC are back and very excited to present their newest platform figure, dubbed [Z0MZ]. Designed by J-R00 and sculpted by Bigshot Toyworks, this robotic figure should be hitting retailers in the late 2011’s to the early 2012’s. What is [Z0MZ] you may ask?

[Z0MZ] are customizable and programmable robotic minions at your disposal! [Z0MZ] can be much more terrifying than a walking sack of mindless flesh. These zombie-like automatons can run! As we all know realzombies can’t. ;P A [Z0MZ] disposition and primary function is totally in the hands of the end-user. That’s you!

Take a look at the transformation from concept to 3D sculpt, as Bigshot tweaks and twerks J-R00’s design to help create a more accurate 3 dimensional translation. We cannot wait to see what designs are thrown onto these figures. Perhaps a custom show to jump it all off?
