Plaseebo’s Molezilla Vinyl Storms Kickstarter


You’re looking at Plaseebo’s Molezilla, the ultimate revenge for tormented lab animals around the world (official Molezilla story after the jump).  Molezilla marks two firsts for Bob Conge (aka Plaseebo) – it’s the first project he’s placed on Kickstarter and it’s his first vinyl to be made in the USA by Veracious Vinyl – a new boutique art toy factory specializing in soft vinyl.     

As it stands now, Bob has sculpted the figure, made a few resin protos and now is asking collectors and fans to help him raise the money for the actual vinyl production.  The final vinyl figure will stand 7” tall and have inserted glass eyes.  The Kickstarter rewards include a white Molezilla, a GID Molezilla and a clear Molezilla.  At the higher levels you can get a hand-painted piece. Be sure to check out the Molezilla Kickstarter Project for more info and to check out all the various rewards.

© Bob Conge 2011

Our story began on the night of Jan­u­ary 19th in the year of our Lord 2011 in room 17-b of build­ing 5 on the grounds of an ani­mal test­ing facil­ity located in East Mill­stone, New Jersey. Here was the hench­man firm that did the dirty work for many of the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies who bring us those all impor­tant prod­ucts to whiten our teeth, loosen our bow­els, color our lips, get rid of our mucus, and many other good­ies that give mean­ing to our empty lives. This com­pany has long had a rep­u­ta­tion of going beyond the call to inflict unspeak­able acts of tor­ture upon our meek and inno­cent neigh­bors in the name of “safety for the supe­rior species” oth­er­wise known as “profit and fear of liability.” The pay­ment for the many decades of the Auschwitz like treat­ment of ani­mals at this facil­ity came due this night of the 19th. Karma was embod­ied in a mole that had been injected daily for six months with enor­mous doses of an exper­i­men­tal growth hor­mone and radioac­tive iso­topes. A lab assis­tant found the 10 inch mole lying belly up in his damp and dark cage. Assum­ing the mole had lost its abil­ity to con­tinue suf­fer­ing for the good of mankind, he dumped the life­less yet still warm body in to the cart with the oth­ers that made their final escape that night. The cart of fate was left in a dimly lit room at the back of build­ing 5 to await incin­er­a­tion at morning’s call. The call would not come that morn­ing, for the mole was still alive and the full effect of their exper­i­ment was about to be real­ized. As the mole slowly emerged from the drug induced stu­por, the growth hor­mone treat­ments of the past six months all kicked in at once and he grew to a hight of 50 feet smash­ing through the sky­light into dark of the night. By morn­ing the behe­moth had eaten all of the employes, freed the other ani­mals and demol­ished every lab­o­ra­tory at the facility. Today is Jan­u­ary 20th and Molezilla is sleep­ing on his full belly in the com­fort of the Hol­land Tunnel. The sign above him reads “Stay In Lane For New York !”
