Dragatomi Presents: A Tribute To Big Trouble In Little China (04.09)


This Saturday, April 9th at 7pm, will be the opening of A Tribute to Big Trouble In Little China at Dragatomi. All the pieces exhibited are inspired by this classic comedy, in the form of customs, sculptures, paintings, etc! This show was curated by Jay222 and he has invited a bunch of talent, which includes:

Dave Correia, Patrick Francisco, Alex Pardee, Jay222, Task One, Leecifer, Josh Taylor, Ritzy Periwinkle, Downtimer, Lil Japan, Robert Bowen, Le Merde, Dezeinswell, Skinner, Chris Lee, Brad Isdrab, Dan Fleres, Lucien Shapiro, Nart, Chris DeLeon, Alex Voltz, J*RYU, Mikie Graham, Mark Nagata, Nebulon5, SpankyStokes, Danny Miller, Erick Scarecrow and Wayshak.

This show should be a killer and let’s hope they will be playing the movie on loop through out the whole show!

2317 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95816