Blobpus Version Boss Carrion Lottery (02.05)


It’s been too long since we’ve heard from Paul Kaiju on a new Boss Carrion release, but be prepared for this Saturday, February 5th at 12AM PST. Paul will be running a Lottery through his blog for the limited BLObPUS Vers. Boss Carrion ($90). The online form will be up for 48 hours before it gets closed. Then the winners will be announced a few days afterwards.

Please note! I WILL NOT accept entries to my personal email, other forms of advanced entries, or any “advanced reservation requests”!

Entries from Japan will not be accepted, per agreement between Paulkaiju and Blobpus. Japan sales of this item have finished!

Boss Carrion is for adult collectors only!

Thanks for your patronage, understanding, and good luck to you! This vinyl figure is very beautiful, and beyond unique! –PK

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