Toy Art Gallery Presents: Mark Nagata’s Alien Argus Custom Group Show (02.26)


What better way to show off the new collaborative figure between Mark Nagata and Toy Art Gallery, than to put on a custom group show. On Saturday, February 26th TAG will be hosting the Alien Argus Custom Group Show. Participating artists include:

Abe Lincoln Jr., Arbito, Art Denka, Ben Mininberg, Gatchabert, Blamo Toys, bLobPus, Bob Conge, Buff Monster, Carlos Enriquez Gonzalez, MONSTREHERO, Daniel Goffin, Dead Presidents, D-Lux, Dream Rocket, Dr. Strange Toys, Emilio Garcia, Goccodo, Itokin-Park, Jan Calleja, Jesse Moore/Rawshark Studios, Jon Knox, Keith Fulmis, Kikkake, Leecifer, Matt Doughty/Onell Designs, Megan Smithyman, Motorbot, Nakayoshi, Onaka Takeshi, OsirisOrion, Paul Kaiju, Pico Pico, P.P.Pudding, Skinner, Steve Talkowski, Sunguts, Tan-Ki, Thiyea Project/Takashi Togo & Mai Nagamoto, Triclops Studios, Troy Stith, TTToys, Tulip, Uamou, and more!

and… exhale… This is quite an amazing line up we have here, which should make for an amazing show.

Toy Art Gallery
737 Seward St. #1
Los Angeles, CA, 90038