Last year Designer Con featured the traveling Yoka show, but this year Squid Kids present to you the So Analog 10-DOH! Custom Show. This show features a platform we all remember blowing into back in the video game cartridge days. All of the pieces will be available for sale at the convention. Participating artists include:
Andrew Wilson, Ayleen Gaspar, Carlos Aguilar, Carlos III, Casey Hiria, Dave Martis, Dou Hong, Drilone, Frank Kozik, George Gaspar, Jasper Santos, Jerome Lu, Spanky Stokes, Kidmechano, Kwestone, Linda Panda, Mana Studios, Mike Petrosky, Nakanari, Nate Mitchell, Nathan Hamill, OsirisOrion, Paul Wilson, Rsinart, Roadkill-Dingo Boy, Scott Tolleson, Tracy Tubera, Tucker Johnson, Valleydweller, and Vivian Nguyen.
DesignerCon @ the Pasadena Convention Center
300 East Green Street
Pasadena, CA 91101
So psyched to see more work from this show!