In addition to their featured release of Jesse Hernandez’s excellent Mictlan figure, Kuso Vinyl also showed off several upcoming products as well. From what we could see demand was high for Mictlan with a long-line at the booth prior to and during Jesse’s signing. Interestingly, the OG colorway also features a golden chase (1:10) – treasure, indeed. Additionally, Jesse was signing and sketching on white blank Mictlans.
Kuso showed off the upcoming Fuluto figs from Toby HK including a previously unseen colorway series incorporating a white base color rather than black with a gamut of different hues. The new Bloody Fahrenheit from Rotobox was also ondisplay, a Highland Toys exclusive. As were the Lucky Cat Spikis by Nakanari. Finally, there were a few new Kuso Pop products on display including a new Tee.