Chauskoskis – ‘Rhino Squad’ for the Jouwe Show

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Here’s an exclusive look at Chauskoskis’ completed ‘Rhino Squad’ Jouwe custom created for the upcoming show @ Arty Farty in Germany.  This jaw-dropping piece highlights his strong aesthetic as well as his excellent sculpting skills. From the amazing removable Rhino Helmet covering the grunt underneath to the custom sculpted firearm, this feels like a one-off high quality production action figure, a serious accomplishment.    Beyond being visually impressive, the piece seeks to raise awareness of the plight of Rhinoceros species which continue to dwindle to alarming levels.  Here’s the official back story which explains the Rhino Squad’s mission:

The history of these guys lies not  20 years in the future, but rather the present day — and is pretty simple…

These guys (Squads) are an elite force  formed to protect different endangered species of wildlife, one of those teams  is The "Rhino Squad" . As the Rhinoceros species  get low  in number their  horns  and skin become more  and more valuable on the black market around the world…  (one  Rhino horn fetches $200,000 on the black market) .

Today, all five species of rhinos are perilously close to extinction. The rate of their decline is truly astounding: in the decade of the 1970s alone, half the world's rhino population disappeared. Today, less than 15 per cent of the 1970 population remains, an estimated 10,000 to 11,000 worldwide.

The leader of "Rhino Squad" is Catarino Shotgun, a big lonely man  who see the brute force as the only way to protect rhinos and  eradicate the furtive hunting taking place in India and Africa by the  hunters and collectors  from all over the world.

Catarino´s Squad received extremely sad news  when they found out that The World Conservation Union (IUCN) announced on 7 July 2006 that one of the four subspecies, the West African Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis longipes), has been tentatively declared as extinct.

In despair  their are now asking for volunteers, not in the battlefield but asking us to do whatever is on our hands to save and protects all animal species of the planet.

For any info about how you can help email or simply visit the  IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)

Arty Farty Gallery
Maastrichter STR, 49
50672 – Cologne