For SDCC, StrangeKiss (booth #4637) will showcase the work of select artists and brands for “StrangeKiss Presents” including the MUGO designer MP3 Players/USB drive hybrids, David Foox (Organ Donors, new Elemental Badgers and new iPhone app), Ritzy Periwinkle (customs) and Nathan Hamill (tyrannoCECILrex resins). Ritzy will be signing on Saturday from 1-2 while Nathan will hold court from 3-4.
In addition to their “Presents” program, StrangeKiss will offer the rare Mono Edition of Ollie the Twitterific Bird (ed of 100, $30) Also, if the toy gods are so willing StrangeKiss hopes to be able to offer limited quantities of David Lanham’s Peet figure. Several artists have created crossover editions including Bryan Collins (ed. of 100), Jon Paul Kaiser (normal and evil, 100 pcs each), and Lunabee. Expect news shortly about Peets from Scribe, Sket One, Frank Kozik and David Lanham himself.