Kidrobot has unveiled their SDCC plans with releases/signings planned for each of the five days (Wednesday – Sunday). The varied schedule features a dose of collector favorites (Huck Gee, Ron English, Sket One, and Shawnimals) as well as plenty of pop culture (Simpsons and Yo Gabba Gabba). In addition to toys, Paul Budnitz will be on-hand to sign pre-release copies of the new I am Plastic Too book. Here’s a few thoughts on the releases that caught our eye followed by a full rundown.
In our opinion the headline release is the mystery SDCC exclusive toy drop (Saturday) from Huck Gee which by the silhouette looks like a Skullhead ?Dunny? with the full bones sculpt as opposed to the OG design.
Following the apparent skull theme (hey work with us, here) there’s Ron English’s KR exclusive Figment bust on Thursday (20 pcs, $200). Based on Ron’s original series of paintings featuring the skull of Andy Warhol. In response to Warhol’s expressed desire for a blank tombstone, English feels an inscription of “Figment” would be an apt send off.
Preview night (hey we’re going backwards…) brings the pre-release of the new Shawnimals Ninjatown minis (very nice) and what looks to be a 3” “Super Special Dunny” pre-release which appears to be a Sketchup design from Sket One, whether it’s the OG from the upcoming Dunny 2010 (August) or a special edition is unknown. The pre-release label makes us think that this design will be featured in the blind-box series.
Wednesday, July 21st
6” Lard Lad (Simpsons) Pre-release (150 available, $45)
3” DJ Lance Dunny (Yo Gabba Gabba) Pre-release ($11, signing on Sunday)
3” Super Special Dunny Pre-Release (Sket-One Sketchup ?)
Thursday, July 22nd
[11 AM-12 PM] Ron English signing : Kidrobot Exclusive ‘Figment’ Bust (20 pieces, $200).
[1-3 PM] Shawnimals signing : Ninjatown vinyl minis ($9) and KR exclusive Yeti Ninja Plush (50 pieces, $45).
Friday, July 23rd
[1-3 PM] Paul Budnitz Signing : I Am Plastic Too book pre-release (50 avail, $50)
Saturday, July 24th
[1-3 PM] Huck Gee Signing : “mystery” SDCC Exclusive release.
Sunday, July 25th
[12-2 PM] Yo Gabba Gabba’s DJ Lance Rock : 3” DJ Lance Dunny ($11)