Taipei Toy Festival 2010: Monster Vs. Toys (7.8 – 7.11)


With Summer comes conventions. While SDCC is always on people’s minds, the heat also brings Taipei Toy Festival (TTF) organized by Monster Taipei.  It’s pretty much all designer toys primarily from Asian artists and brands – many of which are rarely covered in the US.   This year TTF runs from July 8th through July 11th at Huashan 1914 (an amazing 1920’s wine factory that has been transformed into a sprawling art/culture spot) in Taipei.  This year’s show is broader than previous editions and now features its first Graphic Novel and Comic Book fair.

As in years past, TTF has asked artists to design show posters as well as collectible tickets.  Amanda Visell and Taiwanese comic artist Push have the poster honors this year which riff of this year’s “Monster Vs. Toys” theme.  Part of the show’s draw for local collectors are the free toys/collectibles – a different one each day (limited to 500 pcs). Admission is NT$150 per day (~ $5).  Keep watching VP for more on TTF ‘2010.  If you’ve ever been curious about Taiwan, this would be a great time to visit.
