Phu! bring his futuristic custom stylings to the upcoming 8” Bic Buddy (Bic Plastics) for The Bic Buddy Custom Show. On this one, Phu! carved up Marka27’s Bic Buddy shape to create his bubble-shaped rocket ship. After a prolonged stare, the cockpit seems to be from the Buddy’s torso and the bottom stabilizers /pods are from the Buddy’s arms.
The Bic Buddy Custom Show will hit both coasts. The first show rocks Los Angeles @ Crewest (3.27, 6 to 9 PM) and then the follow-up lands in Brooklyn @ Zakka (4.9, 6 to 9 PM). More previews to come.
Crewest Gallery
110 Winston Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013
155 Plymouth Street (btw. Jay and Pearl)
Brooklyn, New York 11201