Bwana Spoons x Gargamel – Eaton Lives! (3.12.10)


After yesterday’s tease, the Rainbow Master (Bwana Spoons) has unveiled Eaton Lives!, a new production edition of Kikyoka Ikeda’s Eaton figure from Gargamel.  Keen toy fans will notice this new Eaton has different and yet very familiar arms.  Peculiar?  Not really. In fact it fits right in with the lore of Eaton.  You see in reality Eaton is only the head, the rest is his ‘spirit’ so to speak.  Eaton greedily and voraciously devours random unsuspecting monsters, eats their brains, and takes over their bodies.  And here we thought Eaton was kinda cute…

Eaton Lives! drops this Friday, March 12th @ Noon PST over in Bwana’s online shop.   Each figure in this small production run is slightly different.
