Ashley Wood x 3A –Retail Dropcloths

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Ashley Wood seemingly has an endless supply of cool toys to pull from his bag of tricks.  Lately, he’s been filling the ThreeA Production Blog with reveals of upcoming Retail-only Dropcloths.  There’s Panda Shock (above left) and the Deimos Liberator (above right). And finally, the wicked, weird and brutal Slaughterhouse: The Bastard Butcher (above center) which is apparently futuristic vampire-like bot that rests during daylight and wreaks unspeakable damage at night.  Oh, and he looks pretty sweet with the blue/red/rust paint app plus the dual cleavers.

Beyond the awesomeness of the toys, Ash and ThreeA are showing some serious business chops – nicely mixing Bambaland exclusives with retail specific editions.  Win x 2.